Travel plans
Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Utrecht University, Jan. 21, 2025.
Singularities, differential equations, transcendence, CIRM Marseille, Jan. 27-31, 2025.
Enumerative geometry in the logarithmic, tropical and real world, SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, April 14-18, 2025.
Non-Archimedean geometry, birational geometry, and resolution of singularities, Hebrew University, March 3-7, 2024 [moved to 2025].
Enumerative Geometry and Arithmetic, Lorentz Center, University of Leiden, March 11-15, 2024.
Workshop SINTROP, École Polytechnique, March 20-22, 2024.
Seminar on Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, University of Tübingen, June 9-11, 2024.
Seminar der Arbeitsgruppen Diskrete Mathematik/Geometrie und Diskrete Geometrie , TU Berlin, June 24 -27, 2024.
Logarithmic moduli theory: sheaves, curves, and beyond, University of Cambridge, July 29 - August 2, 2024.
Moduli spaces of curves, moduli spaces of graphs and graph complexes, ETH Zürich, Sept. 9-13, 2024.
SPP 2458 "Combinatorial Synergies" Kickoff Meeting, University of Osnabrück, Sept. 11-13, 2024.
Discrete Mathematics and Biology, MPI Leipzig, Sept. 26-27, 2024.
Seminar on Logic and Geometry, University of Passau, Oct. 29, 2024.
Pure Maths Colloquium, University of St. Andrews, Nov. 21, 2024.
GLEN Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University of Glasgow, Dec. 9.-10, 2024.
Organizational Activities
Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Highlighting Underrepresented Genders (with Alex Küronya, Diane Maclagan, and Karin Schaller), Workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt, March 31 - April 4, 2025.
Geometry w/o geometry: A combinatorial christmas workshop (with Raman Sanyal), Workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt, Dec. 4-6, 2024.
Tropical geometry: Moduli and Matroids (with Andreas Gross and Hannah Markwig), Workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt, Oct. 7-11, 2024.
A Panorama of Moduli Spaces (with Martin Möller), Conference at Goethe University Frankfurt, Feb. 26 - March 1, 2024.
Vector Bundles and Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry, (with Andreas Gross and Alex Küronya), Workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt, October 9-13, 2023.
Workshop on Logarithmic Geometry and Moduli Spaces (with Luca Battistella), Goethe University Frankfurt, March 1-3, 2023.
Newton-Okounkov Bodies and Tropical Geometry (with Barbara Bolognese and Alex Küronya), Workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt, Nov. 14-18, 2022.
Fall 2021: Non-Archimedean and Tropical Geometry, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (with Lorenzo Fantini and Annette Werner). A series of virtual and hybrid afternoon workshops.
Ruth Moufang Lectures on Algebra and Geometry (with T. Richarz and O. Venjakob), July 13-16, 2021.
Miniworkshop on Toric Degenerations, June 11, on Zoom (with A. Küronya and D. van Straten)
Tropical Geometry in Frankfurt (TGiF)-Seminar/Tropical Geometry in Zoom (TGiZ)-Seminar. A regular afternoon seminar series on tropical geometry and neighboring fields (currently held via Zoom or in hybrid format). My co-organizers are Lorenzo Fantini, Andreas Gross, Marvin Hahn, and Sara Lamboglia. Check our YouTube Channel for videos of past talks.
Feb. 11-15, 2019: Winter School on Enumerative Geometry and Modular Forms, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (with Martin Möller).
July 9-10, 2018: A Tropical Panorama, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (with Yue Ren).
April 7-8, 2018: Mini-Workshop on Stability Conditions and Homological Projective Duality, University of Michigan.
March 16-18, 2018: Algebraic and Combinatorial Aspects of Tropical Geometry, Special Session at the AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting at Ohio State University. (with Angie Cueto and Yoav Len).
April 17-19, 2015: Student Tropical Algebraic Geometry Symposium, Brown University (with Nathan Pflueger).